[color=ed1c24][b]Ace Makovich - Diner [/b][/color] Ace was cleaning one of the empty tables when the doctor walked in. He took a seat on the far corner stool, "Um, excuse me, Mr. Makovich? Could I just get a regular Nuka Cola? If its not too much trouble." Ace smiled, "Mr Makovich was my dad, just call me Ace." Ace headed over to the fridge and picked up a cold Nuka Cola bottle and placed it in front of the doctor along with a clean cup, "It's on the house doc. You sure you don't want anything else? We have radstag stew, noodles, and um... freshly baked Mutfruit Pie? It's all pretty good." The doctor looked deep in thought, so Ace stepped away, so as to not disturb him. Steve was talking to Tom and his group, “Pttf...These Gunner morons have nothing compared to the Talon Company, Took all of the Brotherhood Tin-can forces, enclave tech and a surprise attack to take us out... these losers? Get beaten by a bunch of farmers playing dress up.” Ace nodded his head in disagreement, "Don't underestimate these Minutemen. Don't forget whom their leader is, he along with those farmers took down the Institute. Plus, have you been to the Red Rocket Outpost outside Sanctuary? damn place looks like a fortress, tall concrete walls, ton of turrets. That shows they are serious now on their goal to protect Commonwealth. by expanding away from The Castle" Ace walked back to the stew, which was simmering, and lowered the heat a bit more. After all he didn't want it to burn. The smell that rose from stew wafted across the diner and it was quite pleasant. Steve asked for a bowl and Nuka cola dark. Ace handed him a bowl, and then went down into the cellar. He rummaged through one of the crates downstairs and found a bottle. While he was downstairs, he headed over to his closet a grabbed a bag, and headed upstairs. He handed Steve the bottle, and told him it was 50 caps. After all, Nuka Cola Dark was not easy to find. He was about to walk over to the doctor, when Lorelei asked him a question, "So -- let's say, hypothetically, that a girl like me wanted to lend her talents to the town's militia. Would Barney be the guy to chat with?" Ace nodded, "As long as you can shoot a gun, that old codger will take on anyone." Lorelei finished her milkshake. "That...was...surprisingly...perfect? I'll want another, next time I come round." She pushed her glass to the edge of the counter, and Ace grabbed it an put it in a sink. As he was to walk over to the doctor again, Brandy stepped into the diner a made a rather brash announcement, "Ace, Rook is coming for dinner, do you have enough food for him? I just wanted to let you know, I'm going to go and wait for him to get here. OH, and I have a .22 pistol and aren't afraid to use it if anybody tries to hurt him. You need to look into his eyes, then you will see he really is friendly." Before he could answer, it seemed to have thrown Shelby into a fit as she was saying pretty much what he was thinking or pretty much everyone was thinking. Waylon tried to calm Shelby to no avail and she left. Ace turned to Brandy, "You can't just go announcing something like so brashly Brandy. I have food, if he needs it, but I'm only letting him in because Barney said he we should give him a chance." Ace reached toward his holster, and turned the safety off on his pistol. He wanted to be ready just in case, and he was sure pretty much everyone else in the room did the same. He stood in front of the doctor and placed the bag he had brought up from downstairs on the side not visible from the rest of the diners. He leaned in, tapped the bag and whispered to the doctor, "I'm hoping we can keep what you saw on my arm to yourself."