[@Cu Chulainn] [b]Investigation - 16[/b] Probing the corner nearest to your previous flinty divan reveals that the counters are not actually affixed to the walls at all, but bolted to the ground with a centimeter gap between worktop and the borders of the room. More so, this gap is also contiguous with the floor, shedding a faint light upwards. [b]Medicine – 18[/b] You discover how to shed each syrinx abutting your arm's vasculature with ease. The wounds on both arms slowly heal, faster on the appendage bearing your scarlet stone. Furthermore, as the tube falls to the floor, you discern there are no tubes coming from one of the “unawakened” slabs bearing a likely feminine silhouette. --- [@The Grey Dust] [b]Medicine – 5 [/b] Your corpulent phalanges detach the experimental plumbing with some mild hesitation, but afterwards the rest tumble with ease. [b]Acrobatics – 12 Passive perception - 18[/b] As you detach yourself and dismount from your cement cradle, you sense the slab immediately before your stare, is still pooling blood, with still a prominent grinding sound from the roller above, exsanguinating the persona still beneath its grey veil.