Hey there everybody! My name is J. Silversmith, I'm 22 years old and I'm the latest addition to the community. I haven't been post by post roleplaying for a long time now, nevertheless I'm enthusiastic to get back into it. I have some experience in roleplaying and even started and wrote my own roleplays. Sadly wery few of my adventures came to an end because of the lack of activity of the other users. I mostly played fantasy roleplays but never classic ones. For example I'm very fond of universes that add a little twist to the rules of fantasy. Once I had a subnautic adventure acting as a machinist of a dwarven submarine, another time I played as a detetective in a flying fortress, so you get the idea what I mean by "a little twist". My favorite stories involve vampires and especially vampire hunting. I tend to play rough but friendly uncle-like characters with a bit of a Mc Guyver flair to them. I don't play peaceful settings that often but I had some experience with them and came to the conclusion that they are not that bad at all. Still I'm extremely clumsy when it comes to romance roleplays. I joined this page because I'm ready to shake off the dust and get back to adventuring again. But mostly I'm here to find some new friends. If you're up to start a story don't be afraid to ask. -J