Okay I am going to strive to be a more responsible GM because I have the time to be and the willingness to be now that my life has settled back in for the long haul. That and I really have not given Galendar the love and attention it deserves. So here goes me trying to be responsible and encouraging. [@Rtron] [@Fairess] [@Lyla] How are we doing you three? I still need responses before I can move us to the Narrows. Wind's PC will be joining us but I'll be babysitting the character until her life calms down. [@Tracyarmav][@Lucius Cypher][@Howler][@Smystar99][@Rtron] So I am about ready to have some fun with y'all in like the next 48 hours MAX. Because obviously life sometimes gets in the way of people doing stuff I am actually going to advance the day a little for you four even if I don't get the rest of the people out of the Tower and to the Narrows. Y'all have been patient so part of my day today is going to be the set up for the party we are going to have at the Tower while the rest of the group is away. I'd like to post it by like...noon tomorrow PST. I just wanted to let you guys know where we are at.