OOC: I assume since SS is Minuteman he killed the raiders at Nuka world and traders took back control? [color=aba000][u][b]Steve cooper- Salem Dinner [/b][/u][/color] “That shows they are serious now on their goal to protect Commonwealth. by expanding away from The Castle" “Yeah I heard about Ice cube and I’ll admit they have a decent strike team but what about the regular grunts? Ice cube can’t be everywhere at once and if they are legit with their goal of defending commonwealth then they are gonna get stretched thin guarding the commonwealth... “ [i]If the brotherhood was smart they’d use this attack to raid some settlements whilst they are going to lightly guarded.. even if they don't gain much, delegitimize the MM [/i] A few minutes later Ace returned from the cellar with a Bottle of Nuka cola dark and told him the price was 50 caps..... Supposedly because it was hard to find in this part of the commonwealth [i]Have to find one of those Nuka world traders....One of few good things Ice cube was get rid of disciple freaks and crazy Pack fuckers.... shame about the operators though [/i] “Fine.” Steve muttered to himself, paying Ace before tucking in to the Radstag streak just as Overcoat asked him a question, "So -- let's say, hypothetically, that a girl like me wanted to lend her talents to the town's militia. Would Barney be the guy to chat with?" Ace nodded, "As long as you can shoot a gun, that old codger will take on anyone." “I need to ask him about that.” Steve added on as he savoured the favour of the meat and licked his lips “and dam this tastes good... Good Job Acey” That was when “Brandy” the country mouse looking girl who had arrived in town with sherbet and Waylon stepped into the dinner, seemlying having changed into an colourful dress she made an rather Naive or outright stupid statement "Ace, Rook is coming for dinner, do you have enough food for him? I just wanted to let you know, I'm going to go and wait for him to get here. OH, and I have a .22 pistol and aren't afraid to use it if anybody tries to hurt him. You need to look into his eyes, then you will see he really is friendly." Upon hearing this Steve busted into Laughter, almost spilling his expensive Nuka dark in the process “Kěxiào if you think that Pea-shooter is gonna stop any of us you have another thing coming.” [i]and it won't even brother the mutant. [/i] Steve was about to follow up and ask the serious question of what a super mutant... who from Steve’s experience only ate humans would eat but before he could Shelby or Sherbet as Steve had nicknamed her threw into a fit “WHAT THE FUCK?” She slid from the booth and grabbed her hair, “IS SHE REALLY BRINGING THAT MUTIE HERE?” “I don’t like the idea of a mutant living here either but no need to go kaylied about it, mutant will fuck up soon enough and then Hotshot will shoot it... With some luck no-one will get hurt, well apart from the mutant. ” [i]Just need to make I’m not the one he attacks. [/i] Waylon.... Steve would have to think of a nickname for him failed miserably to claim sherbet down who stormed off back home, once she was gone Ace turned to Brandy, "You can't just go announcing something like so brashly Brandy. I have food, if he needs it, but I'm only letting him in because Barney said he we should give him a chance." “May I ask what you plan on feeding him? From my experience fighting super mutants In DC they seemed to only eat one thing...humans and unless we have volunteers.” Steve said as he looked around at the people in the dinner “I think he’s gonna go hungry.” “He’s not having the Horse either....”