[@Kafka Komedy] I'm still working out the kinks of his background, but basically, Mortarion's home was struck by lighting when he was younger. Not a big deal when you're a human but for a bug, it might as well been a death beam from space that vaporized the little village. He's going to do some dazed wandering, have an up close and personal experience with some insecticide (like a drop), pull through and trip out for like a week. I'm going to leave it ambiguous if Gods are actually talking to Mortarion or if he's just a little nuts. As for the name, I'm going to give him a nicknames/titles since he believes "My name died on that day" or some such cryptic nonsense. So Mortarion is French and now I gotta make up some new names. For now, his umbrella term will be the Black Doctor.