[center][h1]Rider[/h1] Laughing at the girl's eager, Rider quickly whipped the reins of his mighty chariot, the three powerful horses at the head wasting not a moment to rise into the air once more. To their eyes, they would be soaring over the large town at a brisk, but tolerable pace. His 'Master' wouldn't have to fear falling from her place at his side. To the world, however, they would be as shooting star, an impossibly elegant streak of lightning in the night's sky that abruptly vanished a short distance from the church, just a short ways beyond what would be considered "neutral territory". Stealing a glance to the girl beside him once again, Rider couldn't help but genuinely be amazed by her sheer reserves of prana. If he was forced to admit it, he wouldn't deny that she was the best possible match for him as a Master. The Noble Phantasm he currently employed became increasingly powerful the longer it was out...a more limited Magus would only be able to tolerate its existence in this world for a short time. That didn't seem to be the case here. Slowing so that they might touch down on a nearby rooftop to observe the church, Rider folded his arms and kept his predatory gaze fixed on the doors of the church in eager anticipation of whom might first emerge. He would have to wait until they left the neutral grounds, he understood, but the moment they did... "If all I shall kill this night is Assassin, then I confess that I'll be most disappointed," Rider couldn't help but mutter. No mere assassin could hope to offer him a challenge...not that he would refuse to attack them because of this. After all, it [i]was[/i] a war, and he shouldn't leave a knife at the back of the one who supplied him with prana.[/center]