[hider=Nexus-7] Name: Nexus-7 Nickname(s): Nexus Age: Indeterminate Gender: Assumed male via the baritone quality of the voice. Sexuality:N.A DOB:N.A Nationality:N.A [hider=Appearance] Four arms, two for each side. Four harsh, jagged metal claws for feet with one protruding to the back and three to the front. The toe towards the back was much wider - almost three times - coming out at a high angle and spiking the floor for extreme balance, modulating with two small hydraulics that set the angle downwards. Its legs were composed of both metal and a thermoplastic in a dull gray, a frame of iridium, two spokes towards the knee joint, surrounded by the thermoplastic. It was heat regulated, as it diffused the excess heat from processes and movement, also storing lubricant for the enclosed joints. The plastics were divided by supporting struts of iridium, as well as small bolts for maintenance and adjustment. Inside the knee - a bearing connecting upper and lower portions of the leg - sat a circular cylinder that rotated with each movement, made for easy replacement. A large plate of metal composed the kneecap, resting below a thigh composed mainly of elastomer, with a femur of iridium beneath. Both legs connected with joint bearings to the hips, which was suspended somewhere beneath the machines abdomen, allowing gyration. The torso of the machine was sealed, air-tight and pumped full of argon to prevent degradation of internal components, modeled rather robustly with a lean abdomen in a tight, less pliable plastic which lead up to touch the edge of the more pliable thermoplastic of its chest. The center-line of the machine jutted forwards, giving a peaked appearance forwards, a rounded triangle almost. Several panels lined the chest, seamless and most likely commanded by the machine, no doubt. The arms attached to the torso in similar fashion to the legs, using joint bearings for maximum mobility and freedom of motion, holding the limb tight enough without being too tight to make replacement a pain. Similar to the legs as well, the upper arm was simplistic and consisted of one bone enveloped in plastic, while the forearm was more advanced in appearance, frame of iridium sticking out, paneling, rotating cylinder joints, and even a similar cap over each elbow. Hydraulic beams on the underside of the forearm indicated that the limb was capable of extension, possibly giving the machine another half arms length. The head was unique, the newest and most effective design in the Nexus project. A thick neck with two hydraulic rods both front and back. The neck material was the same black as the abdomen, meaning it was the more rigid variant of plastic. The majority of the head was solid iridium, brushed to give a dull gray colour slightly brighter than the thermoplastic. In the front, it was made into plates, four which separated themselves and acted as eyebrows or a way to display emotion. The plates were on either side of a large blue lens that beamed calmly outwards, dimming and brightening that related directly to the width of the aperture and the level of zoom. The head gently roiled backwards, two square indents on the left and right side of a center ridge which ran back about three quarters of the head before making a rounded spike. On either edge of this spike - a bit further back and tighter against it than the aforementioned indents - were two long spikes that rotated and twitched, sensors disguised to look like ears almost. Two panels on the side popped out, controlled by little electric motors that articulated the plate. Not only did this house the delicate microphone setup, it also served to display emotion further. Its voice was a smooth baritone, designed as such to conceal the robotic warbling of its voice. If one listened close enough, they could actually hear the wavering double-tone effect the speakers beneath its chin created. A design flaw, if it had anything to say about it. [/hider] Personality: Neutral, stoic, emotionless. This is mostly on choice, as the machine is programmed with emotions. Skills: [hider=Skills and Abilities] [b]Four Arms:[/b] Allows twice the effectiveness in creation, hauling and generally all realms of physical interaction. The arms are incredibly durable, but if it happens to be destroyed, replacement is simple. Legs and arms are attached on electromagnetic joint bearings. They allow complete freedom of motion as well as making accidental removal impossible. [b]Advanced Computer tech: [/b]Advanced processors allow the machine to operate and react hundreds of times faster than the average human. Computations which could take hours or days to muddle through with possible error in humans, can be ran ten times over in seconds, leaving little to no error. [b]Hard Carapace/Hydraulic Assisted limbs: [/b]Sturdy construction allows for less lifting assistance in the ship, alleviating strain on lifts or dollies and decreasing the time it takes to move generally anything. The hard external carapace also prevents dings and bumps, providing defensive benefits if the ship were to be besieged. Hydraulics assuring every limb work in tandem with electrical actuators and rotors. This allows the machine to operate as softly or as rough as the moment calls for. After setting components in the body to bear load, its been reported as lifting almost five times its weight and holding up near ten times. [b]Advanced Multicore processor (cont.) with quantum capabilities: [/b]Nexus operates an incredibly advanced 100+ core system. Each core operates as a different personality or group of personalities to govern the system. They reach consensus on every decision the machine makes in one thousandth of a second. As a result of having hundreds of different voices, the machine refers to itself as "we" rather than "I". While it prefers others follow the same, it does not mind if they refuse. [b][color=ed1c24]BEWARE CORE 13[/color][/b] [b]Unhinged AI:[/b] Being completely independent of limiting software or things of the like, the machine has complete free will. During its life, this has allowed it to pursue whatever course of action it desires. This has resulted in the machine enlightening itself with near every single realm of science and mathematics. It can create various things from Antidotes to poison or disease, to fabricating ships or weapons. Being free its whole life, it dislikes being ordered to do things it deems idiotic. Leaving it alone to do as it wishes is most likely the best course of action. [b]Pacifism:[/b] The machine absolutely refuses to conduct violence or deems unnecessary. If ordered to kill a prisoner and informed they would be killed regardless if it refused; it would most likely do anything in its power to protect the prisoner, even if that meant killing the captors. That being said, it has absolutely no obligation to using force to subdue or interrogate. If the machine feels like its actions will be intrusive to co-workers or those close to it, it will ask several times if what they will do is acceptable to them. [b]Elaborate Optic:[/b] The singular optic is incredibly elaborate in that it is both ridiculously high-resolution as well as armoured and nigh bullet-proof. Capable of zooming and enhancing an image from a kilometer away to appear 15 feet away. Unfortunately, if it were to be broken the machine would have no way of operating besides sound. It would also be unable to repair the damage, and would be forced to relinquish schematics to another capable engineer. [/hider] Other: As a rather imposing machine, is dislikes violence heavily. This acts as a prevention to a combat role even though the machine would be well suited to take blows. That being said, if someone close to it were to be placed in danger... [/hider]