"Don't give me any messenger boy crap, dammit!" Felix shouted as he pointed his sword at the guard. "I'm an officer of the Crown's Army, and your boss is a treasonous lout who's put the royal bloodline in danger!" He continued. "You'd best tell your boss that he's going to need every last one of you fodder surrounding him if he wants to keep his head through til night's end, you hear me!" Felix charged at one of the guards, feinting and ducking to the man's side so he would be clear of the second guard. It was all he could hope that the guard would take the moment to rally the interior guard back to Stefan's aid. Felix wasn't stupid, of course. He knew a full on confrontation with the guard would be suicide. He just needed to obfuscate his objective a little. Let them think his goal was to go find and kill the lord, keep the soldiers in disarray and sparse around the room Katherine would be in, so the two could break in and rescue her while the soldiers were still acting as a shield for a life that was in no real danger.