[@rush99999] [b]Strength Check – Critical Fail[/b] As you plunge your muscular hand into the newly devoid cavity peering into the external abyss, the other arm cinches into, forbidding any further inspection of the emptiness beyond. With great difficulty you inch each digit into the crevice, until you are wrist deep, as you attempt to retract slight, you feel a vise awkwardly locking your arms in place. However, this doesn’t last long. [@JBRam2002] [b]Mara’s Kung-fu – Critical Success – 9 damage with bonus action of 6[/b] The wall collapses outward liberating the goliath from his self-inflicted lariat. Beyond, you see barely yonder a flat shingled roof, in congruity with the floor plan of your previous cubed prison. As dark vision endeavors to pierce the surrounding ebony, faint luminosities swirl, with minimal force, almost to infinity. There is no apparent landscape, horizon, stars, or moon. [@The Grey Dust] [b]Investigation Passive 17 Nature - 16 For Pillar:[/b] The sagacity computes that your discarded shroud and tubing is not being hindered by one of the walls, which becomes instantly feeble and muffled, in regards to further scrutiny. [b]Notes and Bench work:[/b] You walk to the bench in front of you; the warlock still armed cautiously shuffles a certain distance, ye t en guard. The pew before the counter is hewn, bereft of any living material. The surface of the makeshift kiosk suffers many liquids, all twinkling, mostly red, green, and blue. The frail parchment appears to be scribed in beautiful script and then crumbles instantly into a harsher linguistics, favoring Sylvan into Infernal, but oscillating back and forth between the two languages. The bench investigated above the preoccupied gnome, though, has something special. A Book. It holds a title marked in no known language, chained shut with what resembles newt bones and a lock begotten from adamantine.