[@RBYDark]It's always a very good start to be alive, that's for sure! :D But seriously :c [@Sigurd]If I remember correctly (and please do correct me if I'm wrong, folks), Emil went with the university to the Arkham Sanitarium after having witnessed a professor kill himself AND breaking into his office alongside ANOTHER professor named Arthur Steiner. In the sanitarium (Madhouse, let's me honest), he and Professor Dupree met Faye Desdemona (the unknown and psychic woman who's appeared in all our characters dreams). She told them to find a city beside and beneath the sea, and alongside Arthur Steiner they made their way BACK to the deceased professor's office to find any clues (Yeah, they're going to Innsmouth, SPOILER). They were interrupted by the arrival of the special agent Lichfield and the dynamic duo of an Irish mechanic and a midwestern(?) police officer. Was that all? [@Fish of Oblivion]You can't complain about that (except the pain, toil, tears and sweat you sacrificed to ur human overlords). What did you write about actually?