Natus realized that he failed to distract the birds. Apparently, he was to small to draw the bird's attention. He dispelled the sorcery on the pieces of paper awkwardly hanging on to his clothing, and used his hand to brush them away. He quickly regrouped with the others, being only a few meters away from the center of where everyone was. He decided that hiding was probably unnecessary as the birds did not seem to notice him, and even if they did, he could easily evade their attacks. The Rocs did not seem to be an actual threat, they are giant birds. No matter how large they are, they are still just birds. While a single attack from one of their talons would be devastating, they was unorganized and they did not have much intelligence in how they attacked. Rocs are not adapted to fight creatures that fight back. In fact, the only reason that they have not already fled is because the lack of any meaningful ranged attacks. Killing them would likely not be required if they could only seriously maim one. However, like Crispin he was a bit curious to how Roc tasted. He noticed his team was bickering over the plan of action. His small-size seem to have disqualified him from being a distraction against such large and hungry opponents, and his dagger has even shorter range than most everyone else. However, he drew comparisons of how both the Rocs and his team were unorganized and as such could not do much damage to the other side. He decided to stay in standby, not being able to do anything at the current moment, however he was actively looking for avenue of attack or a moment of weakness to exploit.