[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170503/c41ff5ae90849df18e26014baf329f82.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/olRtZa5.png?1[/img] [sub][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ca/92/09/ca9209be3289a4652a9b401256bc3a25.jpg]outfit[/url] [@HylianRose][@Lunatik][/sub][/center][hr][hr] Jocelyn had arrived in enough time to catch the last half of Brandon's explanation of Chicken. Grabbing one of the floats from the box, Jocelyn nodded her head and grinned. [color=404193]"Oh, I get it now. Man, I haven't played that game since I was a youngin',"[/color] she said before breathing a few puffs of air into the float, [color=404193]"My cousins called it 'Shoulder Wars' back then. Me and my cousin Julio would kick some serious ass."[/color] She nodded in greeting to Loki and Rose before shrugging in answer to Elizabeth. All in all, whether or not she decided to play depended on if someone needed a partner. While being a decent swimmer, Jocelyn was not too keen on having to go under water; she absolutely hated the feeling of water getting into her ears, and didn't want to go through the hassle of washing and twisting her hair afterwards. Lyn was almost finished blowing up her second float when Anna came running towards the pool, fully clothed, and leaped. She nearly jumped out of her skin when the young woman belly flopped into the pool, a thunderous cracking sound filling the air. Jocelyn watched in a mixture of horror and shock as she sank into the pool, but chuckled and shook her head once she finally came back up for air. She was glad that Anna hadn't been seriously hurt; It would really suck if their pool day was cut short by a trip to the emergency room. [color=404193]"Anna, if you needed to borrow a bathing suit all you had to do was ask,"[/color] Jocelyn teased as she tossed a few of the floats into the pool, [color=404193]"I don't think chlorine is good for clothing."[/color]