[center][h3][url=https://dicecloud.com/character/4vvARy626eRxCyan2/AdAM-7-Advanced-Assassin-Mech-Unit-7][color=e3dac9] AdAM 7 [/color][/url][/h3][/center] [hr] [color=e3dac9] "Response: A pleasure. Statement: This Unit is unfamiliar with this laboratory. Comment: Agreed, I shall assist on combined efforts to escape. Statement: This Pillar is approximately five feet tall and noticeably resonant. Inquiry: Are the walls made to keep us in or keep others out? [/color] More philosophy. It seemed there was a theme here, but when an artificial being desires to become human, was not philosophy the natural discourse? Either way, time was of the essence, AdAM was unsure of how long it had been since his reboot. AdAM 8 required sustenance lest the spider found itself draining some unfortunate petty thief dry, which as unfortunate as it was, had the thief try to provoke or forget to feed then a hungry giant spider was a hungry giant spider. Stalking prey like AdAM 7 would before a deadly pounce, killing anyone as a quarter ton of arachnid dropped from the ceiling down to crush victims like insects. The human body could only take so much pressure before buckling, but it was a matter of force distribution rather than mass for the most part. And a well placed bolt going at the proper speed was far more subtle than a falling eight-legged anvil. Yet it was time for AdAM, Seven not Eight, to climb down himself and mingle with possible spider food. Examining the series of tubes in momentary consideration before pulling out each line from his old and new body parts. A slight sensation tingled, something humans would call pain, as each cord left the flesh. It was unique, perhaps even enjoyable for being the first time a construct could feel pain. Warforged understood damage and required repair, but pain in itself was not a sensation readily felt. Which in itself was a blessing and a curse, as pain after all was an alarm system to pull oneself away from dangerous things. Taste, pain, what else should AdAM thank his unknown experimenters for? He would like to meet these advanced flesh grafters to see if more could be done. Ideally everything could be replaced could it not? Piece by piece by piece... With all the restraining tubes removed, the assassin leapt from the table quite professionally with a forward flip, soaring through the dark air in single rotation before planting two feet for a gracious landing. Still not fully gaining control of his new limbs, only 97 percent mastery, with the other 3 percent being interment loss of sensation and fine motor control of distal muscles. Acceptable for now, as it seems his allies were more focused in escape the room they found themselves in rather than asking the question of why they were there to begin with. All with jewels of light embedded into their bodies and gowns, tubes and all, And speaking of gowns, AdAM had little use for his as he tore the sheet off his body, revealing the amalgam of materials organic and inorganic used to make the construct's body. There was nothing to be modest about after all, warforged did not breed, and hence lacked any genitals. Although in the future, to complete his transformation, AdAM would have to pursue a virile male perhaps one from the group if they should find themselves no longer needing to procreate? [color=e3dac9] "Objection: Do not destroy the walls, unknown structural integrity may cause catastrophic collapse. Comment: Ample evidence suggests a pre-existing exit, I suggest we search for this alternative. Statement: This Unit cannot interpret these writings nor identify these reagents. Comment: I shall take these documents for future analysis. [/color] A quick input of what AdAM thought of randomly beginning to destroy walls. But it seems the two other larger beings in the room thought nothing of using their brains before brawn. What if there were enemies outside the wall? Or deadly gas? Or fluid? Or Fire? Either way, a breach in a contained environment was ill-advised. But perhaps his motives were not entirely pure, for interest in the science and experimentation clearly being done here, a good researcher and doctor keeps notes, status and progress. A quick scan and search of the work benches yielded a few documents in Sylvan and Infernal, neither languages identified by the warforged and thus gathered neatly gathered into a stack alongside a book enwrapt with tiny newt bones forming a binding chain and an impressive adamantine lock. Something to unlock after retrieving his gear, and first finding it, hoping to have found at least a map of the facility they found themselves in. More fruitful an investigation however was the notice of how the pillar was hollow. Yes there was something strange about the pedestal which he had laid upon moments ago. Given the material it was made of, it seemed to transmit sound with a slight reverberation. As if it was a hollow box that amplified the sound to one side, despite being visualized as having four sides, was this a possible exit? The method of which their captor had placed them all in here? The illusion of a solid mass though a curious hand attempted to touch the surface found naught but air. A crucial finding, at which was too late for the dirty genasi had forced enough of herself through in destroying one of the walls with an arbitrary designation of four. Another way out was conceived, though what dangers ahead of him and ahead of them now lay at the crucial crossing point. Do we venture into the swallowing void? And if so... Which? [color=e3dac9] "Observation: Geometric analysis of the chamber yields a rectangular volume of 37500 cubic feet. Comment: I believe this central pillar conceals a possible entry point with detected anomalies. Inquiry: For those of us attempting to break it, what lies beyond the fourth wall?" [/color] Steeping through the wall unseen but perhaps not unheard by the majority of the rest, the robotic assassin found himself within the pillar faced with a choice of poisoned chalices. Not literal chalices of course, but literary chalices, of those being levers on the wall. Two down, one up. The sinister lever down, the middle path down, and the one on the right erected. There were two positions per switch, if the duality was to be trusted, giving a binary code of at eight different combinations of arrangements. There was also a possibility any one or more of the switches was a master switch or a dummy switch. And how many hours could be spent attempting to dissect the puzzle apart in the mind by playing with probability. A choice presented, a logical analysis to be done until at least until something struck him from behind. One of the tubes so carelessly tossed into the illusionary wall. Enough thinking. Assuming each switch acted in isolation, that is the order of switches did not determine the function of the group as a whole, there was a one in two chance the switch on the right was placed in the proper position required to maintain the current conditions of the room. There was a one in two chance that each one of the other remaining switches were in the wrong position. Collectively there was a battle of halves and halves, with all sorts of statics to calculate. Yet choosing the middle lever... AdAM committed himself to finding out the mechanics of this hidden alcove. For the man behind the curtain controlled the great mystery outside did he not? Running the numbers a final time, and taking the chances on the death likelihood that the operator would create a suicide lever was rather low, with his new hand of flesh, AdAM pulled the grasped middle switch and flipped the lever up. [i] Try a Coin Toss, To be gained and lost, Tails will save your soul, Heads will make yours roll. [/i] [hider = Mechanics] Medicine Check on Removing Tubes: 1d20 + 2 = (3) + 2 = 5, success. Acrobatics Check on Dismounting Pillar: 1d20 + 6 = (6) + 6 = 12, success. Passive Perception: 18 Passive investigation for search of Benches: 17 Nature Check on identifying Bonechain on recovered book: 1d20 + 1 = (15) + 1. Passive investigation for noticing illusionary wall: 17 Move Action: Move to inside Pillar, small area for about 2 medium sized creatures. Action: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfIxMNm7roU]PULL THE (middle) LEVER![/url] [/hider]