Temporarily, embarrassment and anxiety was beaten back, and in it's place streamed pride and a strange sense of accomplishment. Internally, Sidero knew that he did absolutely nothing - hell, knighthood was earned by complete luck, even if it was called 'fate'. But despite this, Sidero still felt special that he was chosen. The following knight was the Knight of Shadows, a young Venator Nylis. The pale, dark-haired boy slowly made his way to the stage, and just as he accepted his title, a dark mass appeared from his arm, eliciting a slight jump from Sidero and his hand reaching for the staff on his back. Seconds later, everything was fine - the shadows molded themselves into the shape of a bird (another one? What's with these knights and birds?), and he made his way to the banner bearing his element. Finally, the bald man had run out of scrolls, and all the knights were finally gathered under their respective banners. "Ladies and Gentlemen your newest Knights of Elementia!" As soon as this was said, a set of hands clasped themselves around Sidero's shoulders, a move that should never be done suddenly to a man who's killed more Trolls than you have teeth. Sidero immediately broke the hold by forcing the hands off, before turning and realizing who it was. Sighing, he allowed the now disgruntled guards to take him to the wagon, and just before he was about to complain about his lack of equipment, a blur of gray and silver rushed in his peripheral vision. Turning quickly, Sidero saw it - a wolf. Judging by it's size, it could probably kill one of the younger knights with ease, and it was already moving towards the knight of light, jumping onto the wagon. Reaching for his sword, Sidero was seconds away from slicing the beast in half and saving his ally, before the beast adopted a more friendly and dog-like stance, ignoring the concerned Sidero entirely. It then proceeded to nuzzle the young boy and, sighing slightly, Sidero sat down in the corner of the wagon, near the rider. Somehow, someway, the kid had managed to tame a freaking wolf... The looks that he received from some of the knights was pretty jarring, but that was to be expected - he nearly eviscerated that animal, and if it wasn't for it's calm demeanor, he would have killed it. Luckily, he wasn't the only one that was startled by the wolf, as the knight of wind, Alya, reacted in a similar manner, before apologizing. Despite his usual silence, Sidero issued out his own apology in short turn. [color=a36209]"I apologize as well, I'm just used to these creatures being more... Murderous. I am Sidero Denhol, glad to meet you all."[/color] Directing his introduction to the whole group, Sidero remained seated where he was, and proceeded to listen to the rest of the young knights introduce themselves. The knight of arcane introduced her fox, making Sidero ponder just how many of them had pets. Was being an animal handler a required part to being a knight? And besides the sudden arrival of the man carrying Oriel's equipment, nothing especially interesting occurred... Wait, speaking of equipment... Sidero had the bare minimum. Sure, he had his weapons, but he expected to simply stand around and watch the unfolding ceremony, not actually be apart of it. And now, he was on a wagon headed to god knows where. Turning to the man directing the horses, Sidero called out. [color=a36209]"Hey, will I need any of my equipment where we're headed? I only have my weapons on me, and only a few gold pieces... If we do need our equipment, do you mind dropping me off at my inn room for my armor and gear?"[/color]