[h2][color=0054a6]Grane Falo | Sea -> Harbor Town[/color][/h2] [@Lmpkio] Pleased by Sayatachi’s assumption, [color=0054a6]”That’s one reason. The other is because I’ve seen for myself how you can handle yourself against an opponent like Frye. So I would prefer to have someone of your capability to be nearby.”[/color] Although that was not the only other reason that he brought her along. There was a small rumor among the rune knights about Sayatachi’s ‘shopping spree’. Bringing her along would be a better way keep her busy and not have the public begin to think that new Council is becoming too laid back. Realizing that Sayatachi probably doesn’t know who the wizard saint is on this island, it would be best to prep her [color=0054a6]”We might have some time until we meet the Wizard Saint on this island. So as a small introduction, his name is Aldrigde and he lives in a place called Adamond City. There, the inhabitants appearing like ethereal beings, similar to that of ghosts. Aldridge explained its from the amount of concentrated ethernano in the area. Telling you now, would probably be best than being surprised on your first encounter.”[/color] With that said, Grane returned to the deck as he awaited their arrival on the island. [center]… [/center] The ship eventually arrived on a small harbor town on the island and the two council members were quickly meet two people as they left the ship. One was Council Member [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120512111906/fairytailfanon/images/c/c9/Anime_girl_with_blue_hair.jpg]Dochas[/url] and a man who followed beside her. [color=8df28a]“Ah, Council Member Sayatachi, it’s nice to see that you’re still trying to make yourself look young. Now Grane, I’m ready whenever you are to depart to this Saint’s… ominous home. I also hope that you don’t mind if I bring this geologist with us?”[/color] She gestured over to a rather middle aged man wearing very generic explorer’s outfit. [color=e37f7f]“Greetings, I’m Peter Brown, Council Member Dochas brought me here to study these recent earthquake activities. But it’s simply a pleasure to meet other Council Members during this expedition out here on this island.”[/color] Giving both Council Members a firm handshake. [color=8df28a]"Tell me Sayatachi, are you excited about this place?"[/color] Dochas tried making it sound a bit sarcastic with her bored tone, but was actually found the idea of the people in Adamond City to be a bit creepy. [h2][color=0076a3]Wes Gusto| Myrtle Town, Inn[/color][/h2][@Krayzikk][@Onarax][@Plank Sinatra] Hearing Cyare say that he might get used Rei’s behavior was both relieving and a bit disappointing. Will he accept how Rei is, or just tolerate him. [color=0076a3]”I hope so.”[/color] After hearing the mayor’s speech and storming off, Wes was quite annoyed at how the guy treated the reinforcements. But that could probably just be from the stress of being mayor and having the responsibility of keeping this town safe. At least, that’s what he would like to think and hopes he wasn’t always that rude. Hearing Rei retell a story about Cyare fighting off a dark guild, smirked as he hoped things would be that easy. [color=0076a3]”From what Janice told us, there’s only one individual from their group to be a reported as a wizard. So I would like to think that a four versus one wouldn’t be that difficult. But the fact that the rune knights can’t handle just one wizard and his gang make this situation quite concerning.”[/color] Once the mayor finished and speech and stormed off, Wes could feel a bit of tension [color=0076a3]” Council Member Janice stated that she wanted us to make sure the town was safe and protected while we’re here. It may seem redundant to constantly do patrols around the town, but it might be the best action at this moment. The rune knights here believe patrolling around the town would be best give the residents here some comfort. But perhaps two of us could patrol further out the town, make sure that these marauders aren’t bring anything crazy to the town or just report back if you see anything suspicious. What do you guys think?”[/color]