Name: Yuuji Sakamoto Rider Name: Kamen Rider Minion M@ster_1999 Age: 18 Sex: Male Starting Gashat: [b][color=Red]Gururu Monsters[/color][/b] Skills and Abilities: Yuuji is a pretty skilled artist. As Minion Master he can summon monsters of different strengths depending on his level. Additional Gashats: Magic The Wizard. Appearance: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Background: Despite having no interest in the urban legends and conspiracy theories surrounding them Yuuji always liked the creative designs that people made up for the monsters they claimed to have seen and often used them as inspiration for his drawings. When he heard about a game featuring those monsters and even a class that allows you to control them, he decided that he could at least check it out and bought Chronicle.