Yuuki had had his fair share of cloaked villains and ominous messages and cringe-worthy dialogue before. From cackling, moustachioed dictators to undying megalomaniacs to flame-wreathed tyrants, his encounters with massive threats that popped out of nowhere was routine by now. Oh, the 72nd Demon Lord showing up while he was on a lunch date with a new girl? Ok. Oh, a mad eldritch god decided to crash a hot springs event that featured his non-blood-related sisters? Ok. Oh, an advanced alien civilization decided to try out conquering this fantasy world of his during his birthday? Ok. Honestly, a shrouded figure that pulled him into yet another world, yet another adventure, was nothing to be impressed about. Yuuki, after all, was a hero of all thirteen parallel dimensions, the legendary EX-ranker that was universally beloved and who saved countless worlds, countless times. Initially, all he wanted to do was to quickly ‘clear’ this objective and get back to his fluffy, saccharine life with his various friends and…closer friends, to have his romantic developments stalled by the weapons that had granted him so much power. Initially, that was all that Yuuki cared for. Until he realized the nature of the world. A world where the air was sharper than before, where the grass beneath his feet was soft, more varied, where the night sky was an indescribable array of scintillating lights, countless constellations traversing the heavens above. Every other world he had been in was too perfect or too broken, too simple and too pure. But as he took in a breath of the polluted air, one that had many more flavors than just ‘floral’ or ‘savory’, Yuuki couldn’t help but grin. He had made it back! He was back! [b]“YES! YES! YES!”[/b] He pumped his fist excitedly, brimming with joy. Antikythera could calculate the reality of his home dimension, now that he was here, and from there, he’d be able to construct a gate that would finally allow him to show all his girlfriends the place he called home. Karaoke, All You Can Eat, arcades, the internet, [i]love hotels[/i], ugh, it’d be so d- Yuuki stopped. [b]“Made it back, Kana.”[/b] She was just a cat now, wasn’t she? A stray with silky white fur and silvery eyes, a black crescent marking her forehead. No more divinity, no more sentience. His clenched fist opened and he closed his eyes. He’d have to find her again too. Make sure to take care of her properly, even if she was just a cat now. The youth didn’t even notice that he wasn’t alone until a male spoke up in a rather rude tone. Turning his attention to the military thug-nerd, an individual that looked like a B-grade mid-boss villain that served as some random diversion for the truly charming final boss, Yuuki tilted his head to the side slightly. What a weirdo. Was he from another world too? Further thoughts, however, were scattered at the presence of…normal girls! They were dressed somewhat strangely, but there was no doubt about it! No demon wings, no triangle ears, no purple skin, no gelatinous texture, no overbearing magical power that he could still overcome! They were… Gah, too close! As a quartet formed around him, Yuuki’s cheeks flared red at their squeals and their compliments, taking a few awkward steps back. [b]“Ehehe, I mean, I [i]am[/i] Yuuki,”[/b] he said, diverting his eyes away from their adoration, [b]“So…yeah! Uh, this is Japan, right? Tokyo and a-”[/b] Wait, no, something was off. [i]“HEY!”[/i] sounded the voice of another male, who Yuuki hadn’t even noticed until then. Blue eyes followed the direction of the man’s gaze, towards another girl who held a…grenade? Given to her by that B-grade villain that was designed specifically to be hated? He was the ‘real’ Yuuki Kimura. Which mean that that person was ‘real’ as well. [b]“Ah,” [/b]he called out, [b]“Kyou, don’t be like that! We’re saving those for the big event right? And I spent, like, two weeks making them! Don't just hand them out!”[/b] Turning his gaze and an apologetic smile to the sorceress girl, Yuuki continued, walking over, [b]“Sorry about that, miss, but could you hand it back?”[/b] He added in a wink. [i][b]“Please, sis?”[/b][/i]