[center][img]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/t/digital-eye-made-green-binary-code-43386006.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=00a651]Jomen Sury[/color][/h3][/center] [center][i]Location: Jomen's Room to Academy Garage[/i][/center] [hr] Jomen looked out ahead of him and saw the large pond where his family had lived all their lives in deep, vibrant colors. The blue waters sparkled white as the fiery rays of the sun coated the small lake in its gleam. The trees shook their merry green trees in response to the strong breeze that played across the area. Jomen took in a deep breath of the fresh air and felt tension leaving his muscles, fingers lightly tangled in the grass. His eyes closed as he took in the warmth. A cry of pain and surprise shattered the quiet reverie and Jomen’s eyes burst open but he saw nothing. Not the water, not the trees, not even blackness, just nothing. The cry wavered and distorted, changing form to the ringing of a loud alarm. Jomen waved his arm quickly outward to where he knew his alarm clock lay and in process knocked over on of his his prosthetic eyes resting in its recharging station by his nightstand. He heard a muffled thump below him as the eye landed somewhere below him on the carpeted floor. Uttering a mild curse, Jomen slowly and carefully moved his arm to where his other eye sat recharging. The eyes were efficient enough not to need recharging particularly often, maybe once a week or so, but wearing them overnight for extended periods of time was also not recommended due to the delicate nature of the prosthetics. Carefully, he lifted it and placed it into his augmented socket shifting it gently from side to side as the scene of room around became visible once again. Jomen’s room was neat and clean, and that was about the most one could say about. No posters or art lined the walls. The various shelves and tops of furniture in the room had no personal items at all, save one small, black journal that Jomen wrote his experiences in and the staff that he carried with him both on and off the university grounds at all times leaned against the closest bedroom wall. Jomen’s feet settled against the mildly scratchy carpet as he slowly bent down and scanned the floor attempting to gauge his surroundings as well as his skewed depth perception. He spotted the dull gleam of his eyes, facing pupil first into the carpet beneath his bed and carefully reached forward to grab it. He closed his fingers once he thought he had, but only grasped at empty air. A gentle pushing sensation emanated from his fingertips. Jomen tensed for a moment torn between annoyance and gratefulness, but let out a slow breath of air as he settled on the latter. "Thank you, my friends," he gently whispered. A small blue fin rose out of the skin of his hand, leaving the skin undamaged and guided him directly to his lost prosthetic. With a few moments of careful observation and manipulating, both eyes began to give him the sensory input he found so essential to his life as a field healer. A notification sound on his phone informed him where he would meet the rest of his assigned squad: the Academy Garage by vehicle 94. As he glanced through the ID numbers he saw that both Celise and Ajax were part of team as he had saved there contact information for easier means of identification and communication. He nodded at the screen at the names, certain they would make for valuable assets to the teams objective. The battle at Ledale would not be an easy one, the city having become overrun with those infected with the Stigma, but there forces would have need of all available medics to continue the fight to save the town and eradicate the disease to victory. With this thought in mind, he grabbed his entire supply of the Exalt Catalyst that he owned. The inexpensive, though effective catalyst would boost his healing potency allowing him to extend his abilities to far more people than he could on his own at the moment. He would be able to save as many as the infected people as he could from the horrors of the Stigma. Jomen noticed the skin pulled tight across the fist he had apparently made while lost in his thoughts and forced himself to loosen up. He took the time granted from his early alarm to shower, shave, and overall make himself look professional. His outfit was basic military fair, with the exception of a large blue coat that denoted his status as a medic due to his affinity with spirits of water. He wore his gleaming badge for all to see his status as a Guardian training at Oakridge pinned right above his heart. Though no doubt the outfit would be dirtied in no time at all considering his duty, his first appearance would mark an important first impression for the regular men fighting at Ledale affecting morale. It was therefore important to display himself as professionally as possible to inspire confidence. He pulled his sidearm from a small locker in the room, confirmed that his maintenance the night before had been effective and holstered the weapon at his side. He held his staff in his hands as he exited his room and made his way to the Atrium for some breakfast. After a somewhat bland, but nutritious meal and the purchase of several protein bars in case the need should arrive. He left the cafes of the Atrium and descended down below to the Academy garage. As he walked by the vehicles in the cool hangar towards number 94. He got the mission details displayed on the holographic display of his phone, reviewing the layout and strategic strongpoints of the city. As he neared, he spied both Ajax and Celise past the display and turned the device off briefly to give the both of them silent nods of greeting.