Oh man, these are some very good ideas my friend, I like them XD Really like the first idea, and both options with the Sand People and Hutts sound pretty good...the sand people attacking the settlement would be more straightforward to work out, I suppose, because they're always known for being aggressive etc., but they wouldn't have much alterior motive to attack the settlement other than just being territorial...I doubt the Hutts would consider bribing the sand people to attack on their behalf? Or could they? O.O (but then, if they did how would the Hutts get the money that they wanted from the people in the settlement? *scratches chin* unless the Hutts sent the sand people to raid/steal stuff they could re-sell to make the money back...?) I dunno haha xD And that is a very, very nasty idea o: but I like it! XD We have been very, very nice to them so far and not a lot of people have died, so I say lets go for it! It'd be in character for Voldon, and it'd give the others some more character development thats for sure! (poor Kira, though ;-;)