Data, Microchips, and Points Microchips and Data devices, these are tools Dungeon Master uses to both keep your character safe and keep track of them. The microchip acts as a security guard against her security system, if it's removed or deactivated it's likely the character will be harmed by her security system if not killed out right. Data devices keep track of the points your characters earn, if you lose your data device you will be disqualified from the game. No one knows what DM does with you if you're disqualified though. Leaving the players to speculate though with the warning of "You will regret it." Points, in other words a score card that DM grades you on and you gain points based on several things. Speed, the fastest to finish the game. Creativity, how outside of the box you think to solve the problem, and yes Teamwork, how well you work with your matching partner and other pairs when you have to work together. Each game itself will have one specific score you won't know about until the games begin.