[quote=@Raptra] Silas had been really nice to her from the time they had met, and after hearing that he had a roommate like that, she was genuinely concerned for his safety. [i]You're a great guy, Silas. Please, don't do anything stupid...[/i] [/quote] Okay, I'm gonna be honest here. When I read this for the first time (roughly an hour ago) this last bit hit me right in the feels. OOC It's seriously shaken my resolve to fight Felix, (Don't take that the wrong way, there still can/will be a fight if you want Zelosse.) I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS LEVEL OF FEELS AT 8:30 AM. SEND HELP. Aside from that though, there is still the matter of the imminent potential fight. Which I think may end up with both boys either blinded or frozen... or both.