[h2][center]The Minutemen and Others - Rocker Warehouse[/center][/h2] [center][@Banana][@Nattook][@yoshua171][@Spiffy][@PlatinumSkink][/center] The grunt looked unimpressed by Celia's burst of acrobatics, still readying himself for her attack, raising his pickaxe aggresivly. [b]"I don't care who you are I'll smash yer skull in!"[/b] Predictably enough as soon as Celia launched herself he slammed the pick downwards as hard as he could, not even bothering to see if she completed the move. Celia of course easily had moved to the side, the man however experienced something that only someone stupid enough to swing something so solid full force at the ground could. An incredibly jarring jolt of pain that shot up his arms to affect his whole body. Celia was easily able to take advantage of him vulnerability with a brutal kick to the head that caused man to let out a yelp of pain and send him crashing to the pavement, a little bit of red evident on the ground. He wasn't gushing blood but there was definitely something leaking from his head. Shouldn't be too life-threatening. Probably. G4M3R sighed, [color=92278F]"Well there goes the element of surprise."[/color] He gathered himself quickly and gave out commands, [color=92278f]"Okay Outsider make sure no one gets out of the building, everyone else we follow Celia and force our way through the nearest door, Artificer take us down."[/color] Artificer nodded and those still on the fly were brought down to ground level just outside one of the eight foot tall push-in double doors, a few feet from Celia and her victim. [color=92278f]"Celia you lead, we'll follow and give you support."[/color] His wrench was held in one hand in a vaguely threatening manner. Meanwhile Artificer had a hold on his necklace of explosive beads, looking a little excited at the chance to use them, perhaps too much so for someone holding rather dangerous explosives. Regardless... Given that they opened the door to charge the building they would find themselves facing a group of ten men very similar to the one Calia had just taken down. Large, Hispanic, wearing hard hats and holding pickaxes in his hand. Given anyone other than Outsider in his Endbringer form arrived at the door they would find the incoming force less than impressive and engage, three of them immediately charging to swing at the first one who entered, the rest spreading out around the doorway to provide a second wave if those went down. Meanwhile... Shatterpoint barely nodded in acknowledgment of Wisp's message. Then he was off, getting away as fast as possible, slipping through a few alleyways before getting into a plain looking [url=https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.dOZgjhZxPp769ykfh0e0KgEsDh&pid=15.1]car[/url], dumping Swarm in the backseat and driving away. It was unfortunate that they'd be unable to use that place anymore, but he'd gotten out and recruited Creep as well. Perhaps between the two of them they could get something done. Of course there was also the question of what to do with Swarm. Ugh...