[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/72DE2kd.png[/img] [i]"[b]ANOTHER[/b] village in your eye, Between a stretch of [color=#808080]cloud[/color], There across a painted [color=6ecff6]sky[/color], Feel a [color=ed145b]heartbeat[/color] sound. It's in your [color=#5e3b01]boots[/color], It's in your step, It's in the craggy rocks, Towards the [color=39b54a]hills[/color], Towards the gates, Towards the [color=#808080]clouded[/color] docks. Do you see them sailing? The boats o'er the [color=6ecff6]sky[/color]? Do you see them failing? And falling as they [color=662d91]fly[/color]?"[/i] Syfa was having a [b]good[/b] day. She hummed to herself inbetween her whispered half-poems and kept up a steady march as the pleasant sound of her hooves clacking on the rocks punctuated every move she made. What wonderful company this time around! So varied and so [i][b]pretty[/b][/i]. She couldn't help but stare at the lot of them, when they weren't looking and sometimes when they were, catching a moment of eyes locking before flashing a smile. The noblewoman was her favourite. She always looked so graceful when she walked, and picturesque in her attire - but the holyman had a certain charm about him as well, prayers were as beautiful as poetry in their own right, and then [color=00BFFF]Brann[/color] had a good look about him, he was a real adventurer, a kindred spirit, but Cassian had that lovely tone of voice, the orc had that muscle and a good taste in alcohol- All the people in the group were pretty good, she concluded. She watched as the rest of the retinue lugged about their packs, and she was glad for a moment, her wooden equipment weighed a lot less, and being the transient, nomadic person that she was she carried very little on her anyway. Though as the people marching sometimes passed her with the rolls of rope and metal cooking pots and pans, she sometimes wondered if they saw her as naive or underprepared. She lost the spring in her step as she walked, turning something into a trudge along as she did so. She opened up her flask, taking a sip of the water that tasted so very faintly of the stream they'd passed by a day ago. She thought of trees and flowers and all the whispers the forest made when they had marched through. Glancing up along the rocky road, her heels a spring - she bounced along up toward [color=00BFFF]Brann[/color], walking until she was in front of him, then turning around, walking backwards for a moment as she wordlessly handed her flask to him in something of a spin before heading off toward the front, the fore. A better view was promised to her there.[/center]