We can only dream of faces we have already seen in the waking world, but what about the monsters in our nightmares? Hello my friends! I'm new here and already trying to start my own story. Cocky? Maybe. Stupid? Possible. Fun? Definitely! I have expierience as a GM so I don't think I'll mess this up. Also the roleplay is free, allowing other newcomers to set foot here. But I guess you're here to see my idea. The "Playground" The city of Vindobond was there since the human race started to use stone instead of wood for their buildings. Nobody can remeber when the city was founded, but the memories of the ancient times live inside the city walls. Unlike other cities Vindobond didn't upgrade it's buildings after a new style of construction was developed, but rather built a new floor above the old streets resulting in a massive tower casting an enormous shadow on the wine fields around the city. The higher you climb the more evolved the buildings get. On top of the city lies the cathedral-town seat of the new government of Vindobond: "The good guys(you)" [b]"The Ivory Inquisition"[/b]. The biggest church of Vindobond, called "Cathedral of the mourning sisters" is the headquarters of the inquisition, housing the great-inquisitor's office, the barracs of the thousand eyes and most importantly: [b]"The Academy Of The White Roses"[/b] where you will start your training as a hunter of the inquisition. The rules to join are simple but strict: Family is forbidden, a hunter is not allowed to have children. If a hunter is turned, corrupted or cursed, they have to sacrifice themselves fir the greater good of Vindobond. A hunter makes no exceptions, evil is evil, no matter the kind. "The bad guys (insert sword here)": Vindobond needs the inquisition now more than ever, because tainted beasts of otherworldy origins have invaded the city. Some raid the city at nightfall, others blend into the residents and corrupt the people with their unholy schemes. Their motives are unknown but their hunger for destruction is infamous in the whole city. "The beginning(and some rules, mostly rules)" Your character starts as a new recruit waiting in the cathedral's yard waiting for the opening ceremony to start. Please remember the rules regarding family: Either you are an orphan, never knew your real parents, come from another country leaving your loved ones behind or any other way that keeps you from having a family that could be turned or held hostage. Any kind of person is welcome, criminal or not. You can play as a supernatural creature but note that it won't make your life inside ithe inquisition's walls easier, mind that you should hide your real identity (any creature is allowed, you can even think of one but don't go all "half-dragon overlord godking) I still would prefer that most of the players would be human. The rp plays in a renaissance-like time so no modern weapons(I got no problem if you go all steampunk, but don't overdo it with the lasers) I will simply act as the GM and play all the NPCs, ou are the star of the show. Don't expect too much fighting, this RP is about uncovering Vindobond's secrets. And please, for the love of god: have fun. If you are interested just pm me I will start with at least 3 members (if a third member won't join after a longer period of time I'll start with two.) When we are enough people I'll post a character-sheet-template (If you can't wait to create your hunter just pm me a request and I'll send you the template, it could take some time because I have to write it first) You can always hop into the adventure after it has started, just make sure to read the posts before you (still, don't act like you have info your character couldn't possibly have) If there are any questionx just ask. I hope that there are some bold hunters out there!