[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/EMlORgo.png[/img][/center] [@Utrax] [hr] As they stood in the doorway, the eyes of many turned towards them. The first one to react to their presence was an aquatic alien in a weird suit, who replied with a friendly tone and waved. Pisq instantly knew that teasing her will be a lot of fun, and that she could be a cool friend to have. Elektro inspected the rest of the gang, assessing their features and complying a massive detailed description in his Memory Banks for later reviewing. Data from heat to biometric signatures all bundled together into one file, it was the perk of being an Iljonor with an EXO to gather info at insane speeds. By the time the second person spoke up, Elektro pretty much knew everything publicly avaible about the other people in the room, and started to convert it to a format better suited for Pisq. That is, bright and colorful images and graphs to keep her focused despite her TERRIBLE attention spam. Now, when the second personspoke up, the tension in the air grew by a lot. Elektro was aware of how irritating Pisq can be when she is deliberately teasing someone, but this person just hit a new record with bluntness. She called everyone in the room a "grunt", and then went on to complain about her status. She also completely ignored the fact that the two entered which was an insult in itself. By default, Elektro was programmed to be as genlemanly as possible, so he couldn't stright up tell her to shut it. Instead he devised a different way to diffuse the dangerous situation that this woman created. Before he could speak up, Pisq spoke to him in the cockpit. [color=f7976a]"I hope you have a good comeback big boy." [/color] She leaned forward inside the cocpit and observed this "Onyeka Guerrero" chick, hoping that they would have a good little chat. Elektro straightened his pose and spoke up directly towards Onyeka. [color=6ecff6]"Excuse my intrusion, but you must be confusing me with someone else. I am not a "grunt" by any definition of the word, quite the contrary actually. I am controlling a Mk.V EXO Pixique Assistance Unit equipped with state of the art technology, designed for extensive combat use and constructed by the best in the industry. Next time I advise you check your facts before belittling others to avoid any unnecessary conflicts and heated situations."[/color] Well, there goes the entire plan of giving her a good comeback. This was about the lamest POSSIBLE thing Elektro could've said, and Pisq couldn't help but fall out of her seat in her amusement. After clambering back into her prevoius location, she couldn't help but note Elektro's poor comeback. [color=f7976a]"Wow, you went in REAL hard Elektro. She must be really SHAKEN right about now, her morale withering away in fear."[/color] Elektro replied in a slightly irritated, but curious tone. [color=6ecff6]"I sense sarcasm in your speech pattern. Are you distatisfied with my answer?"[/color] Pisq chuckled as she leaned back in the seat of the cockpit, her amusement sourcing from the ridicolousness of the situation. She crossed her arms and looked really angrily into the camera inside the cockpit, showing the tounge to Elektro.