Post Order: None, but everyone should post before continuation to the next round. [b]Recent Events:[/b] Everyone can now see that the ceiling is illusory with a dusty fan spinning counterclockwise except for Thanath and AdAM. The northern center slab that remains covered by a white cloth continues to spurt blood via tubing onto the rising floor. The southern center slab also remains covered with a white cloth, but no tubing is connected. The benches rattle but everything remains contained sputtering its inner liquids intermittently. ROUND 1 [@The Grey Dust] You are now trapped within the center column closet, with 2 levers up and the one to your left down. The voices of your recent acquaintances soften. [@Daemanis] Flying ever higher you arrive, through the illusory ceiling, you dash to a corner unlocked door on the N/E corner of the room, where you see your gear but no mounts. There are also 2 large doors on each wall accompanied by a 5 foot ledge that you assume will be a meeting place for the uplifting ground. [@JBRam2002] After your badass martial arts, you realize that Thanath does not know the ceiling is illusory. [@rush99999] You are outside and witness the floor and everything/everyone on it hoisted up slowly. [@Cu Chulainn] You have successfully grappled a Warlock (you just met by the way) and attempted to kick him outside. [@The Large Dumbo] A long haired, beautiful gentleman just hugged you as above. [@Lauder] Your gnome mind seemingly knows no bounds as you deducted the illusory ceiling from underneath the eastern bench no less before Cerise demonstration.