Jace had almost fallen to sleep with the relaxed air around him. It was when he smelled food that he jolted up and grabbed a place of the food. He beamed lightly as he stared at the delicious food before him. He didn’t really recognize the food before him. For the last few months, he had lived on fish, bread and on very rare occasions strawberry jam. Jace loved strawberry jam, and was determined to get some with the money from the ring. But sadly, his plans had been put on hold for now. With a hearty thank you to the cook, Jace started to eat. With an amazed expression, a single tear went down his face. He scoffed up the food as fast as he could, barely stopping to take a breath. He finished off his plate of food and took a massive breath, having almost passed out. He walked to the stall, dropped to his knees and put his head against it. “You are the best cook ever!” He said with a smile as he rubbed his face on the stall. His attention was brought back when he overheard the conversation with…Sniggit? Yea, Sniggit, the rat-kin. Anyway, he heard them talking about something dead. He glanced up to see a pair of people standing there. He then made the connection that they were undead. “Aah! They are really undead?!” Jace said as he jumped up. He was a little scared, having encountered a few undead before and almost being taken out by a few of them. He was a little skeptical that they would be allowed in the city, but relaxed a little as she described them like golems. “Ooh, so they are basically slaves” He said as he stood up and walked over to them. With a half weary stance, he waved his hand in front of one of their faces, curious to if they would react. “This is some pretty cool magic. I didn’t know the dead could be raised like this” He said as he looked down at the little rat-kin. “Surprised they actually let them in the city to be honest, I would be a little scared if they lived in my city” Jace said as he glanced at them. He then remembered he didn’t have a home city. He decided not to mention that though, it would just take away from his point.