[h2]Johanna Faust[/h2] [i]You can see the evil in our hearts? A useful ability; it would greatly benefit my conscience if we can win without killing off brats in over their head like this one.[/i] The magus responded, storing away that particular piece of information. It seemed that winning without Berserker was less of an option than she had thought, not that it had ever been her goal... an ability like that would be necessary to determine what the current nature of this Grail was, if it could be used. [i]Can you see if other items are inherently evil, or is it just restricted to people?[/i] Despite communicating with her Servant, the woman made a sharp left-turn to face the Overseer, giving a short bow and a simple statement: "As I had said, I have summoned a Servant. Berserker, to be precise." With that, her attention returned to Elizabeth, still slightly smiling, "Now, I believe we should go elsewhere to discuss this possible alliance and get acquainted. But first, an introduction: my name is Johanna Faust, current Enforcer and formerly a long-term academic within the Clock Tower." [hr] [h2]Assassin[/h2] They were... friends now? Was that the case? Shifting a bit more, the young girl asked a single question of her Master: [i]Mother, should we stop hiding, now?[/i] [@VitaVitaAR][@Cu Chulainn][@Crusader Lord]