[@CoyoteLovely][@Silvan Haven][@LPRKN][@Lmpkio][@t2wave][@LokiLeo789][@Hekazu][@JaceBeleren] Well, this sucks.. but real life has gotten in the way and I need to keep my priorities straight. I have 5 role-plays going on, but can't keep up with all of them and going to drop 2, maybe 3 of them. The reason I'm keeping the others is because they are both slow, but also I GM two of them. It makes me sad, but I gotta make sure I don't set aside my real life to the wayside. I hope you guys can understand and don't think less of me for doing this - it was amazingly fun while it lasted though and I'm glad to have role-played with you fine individuals. I hope everything takes off and does well! (P.S. I'll keep the Kindred Discord channel up and maintain it. I'll just keep it muted. If Silvan needs anything, he can DM me.)