[h2]Ciel, the Church Overseer[/h2] For a few moments, Ciel observed in silence. So, this was a Servant, then... the presence was exactly as she had expected. That was to say it was incredible power, the power befitting that which was known as a Heroic Spirit. Ciel understood that she would not win in a battle with a Servant, but she also understood that she could defend herself against them. And she would, if she needed to. Her capabilities were indeed part of why she was selected for this new Holy Grail War. "I would like to remind you of this Church's function, before you leave," the blue-haired girl began, "If either of your Servants are defeated, you may take refuge here in order to ensure you are not killed by the other participants in the Holy Grail War." That was all the information necessary, really, to impart to the Masters. Their participation was noted and the offer of safety was made to them should they require it. [@Raineh Daze][@Cu Chulainn][@Crusader Lord]