[hider=Engram Aris Foste] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JzM7G5B.jpg[/img] Name: Aris Foste Age: 29 [Unknown] Gender: Biologically Female Corporation: UNISEC Rank: Ex-Commander, Now serves as the Engram linked to the Yoshino Psychological profile: Noted to be calm and collected in the heat of battle, silently analyzing what needs to be done and being vocal when necessary. When all is quiet, she can sometimes become restless which is why she usually occupies herself with various data management tasks when not in general quarters. Educational Background: Aris Foste, daughter of Julianna and Shaun Foste, was born and raised on a UNISEC station in orbit of one of the core worlds of the faction. Her father played a serious role in her early life, encouraging her to adopt the military life, thus leading to her enrollment into the UNISEC Military Academy until the age of 18 where she showed promising skill in tactics. Service Record(UNISEC)/Employment History(non-UNISEC): By the age of 23, Aris had been put into the role of an assistant tactician aboard a small capital ship where she demonstrated her capabilities as a leader. Six years later, at the age of 29, she had attained the rank of a Commander in the Second Division who had a fairly sized taskforce under her fold. One day however, after returning her taskforce from a patrol mission, she received a letter bearing the mark of high ranking officials in UNISEC, requesting for her to volunteer in an experimental program that they believed she showed promise for. After meeting with said officials, she had decided to join in the program, after all, she was not necessarily tied down by anything or anyone. She was then sent off to the UNISEC Research Station of Aleroth where she would partake as a member of the Engram Program. Combat Training(UNISEC)/Work Skills(non-UNISEC): Highly skilled in tactics & battlefield management (Planetary & Interstellar) High speed data management General Infantry training General Engineer training Equipment: - None - [/hider]