[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Anthony Ryder[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m64uoyetGy1r9413r.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] As Anthony looked back from the metro map he watched the woman quickly paying for her ticket and making her way into the train that she was taking. He followed her doing the same thing as he went and got onto the train, he walked over finding an empty seat that was in the relative safety of the shade. Anthony would just pretend that he was minding his own business on the trains, when she looked at him he wouldn't be just either looking at his phone the entire time or just looking at the men and women who were on the train. Anthony also noticed how dirty the seats and floor were, but he was pretty much used to the metro trains constantly being dirty and how much use they got every day. When the train came to her stop Anthony continued to follow the woman while hiding within the group that was getting off the same stop as well. He walked along the sidewalk for awhile until he saw the woman turning towards an alleyway, Anthony leaned up against the wall staying just outside of the alleyway. Anthony turned his head though and looked down the dark looking alleyway, he wasn't really sure what the woman was up to.