[quote=@Asura] Color me interested. Not exactly sure what I'll be doing, but Zatch Bell was a real fun show back in the day. [/quote] Yay~! I'm glad you're interested! I look forward to seeing your CS! [quote=@Tenma Tendo] I'll just drop this here for now, so that I don't lose what I have so far. I'll let you know when this is finished, and also, if you spot any problems with my cs as if now, just let me know and I'll be sure to fix it^^ [hider=Lan Xu and Dorothy (wip)] [center][img]http://pa1.narvii.com/5946/ef82fd3248704fe7d60f9d868455cf5bf5c380a2_hq.gif[/img][hr][hr] [b][h2][color=lightsteelblue]LAN XU /[/color]/[color=lightpink]/ DOROTHY[/color][/h2][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b6/99/a0/b699a074eef8ff682cc1d4abdded9fd1.jpg[/img] [color=lightsteelblue][b]“...Back off, I'll cut you!!”[/b][/color][/center] [color=lightsteelblue][h3] H U M A N O V E R V I E W[/h3] [/color] [sub][color=lightsteelblue]☯[/color] N A M E[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray]Lan Xu (兰 徐), meaning "slow mountain mist / slow and elegant".[/color][/indent] [sub][color=lightsteelblue]☯[/color] F A C T I O N[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray]The Chinese[/color][/indent] [sub][color=lightsteelblue]☯[/color] A G E[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray] ... [/color][/indent] [sub][color=lightsteelblue]☯[/color] G E N D E R[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray]Male[/color][/indent] [sub][color=lightsteelblue]☯[/color] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray]Lan Xu is a very petite boy as he only stands around four feet and ten inches without his shoes on. He has delicate white skin that wouldn't be expected of a swordsman, free from any scars, bruises, etc; the only exceptions are the bandages that cover his chest and the polygonal shaped birthmarks that run along his left shoulder and pectoral. Lan was born with dull blue, practically silver, layered hair that tends to stick up in various directions, and sharp and narrow blue-green eyes. Lan's most iconic outfit is a Lan's casual wear is a traditional steel blue Chinese kimono with dark blue accents, a blue sash, and red tie. He wears wooden sandals that add an inch to his height. Lan tends to wear this kimono loosely, only wearing one sleeve. In terms of accessories, Lan wears three earrings on his left ear.[/color][/indent] [sub][color=lightsteelblue]☯[/color] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray]When first meeting Lan, he seems to have a cold, aloof personality based off of his appearance. He appears to have a distant attitude around everyone besides Dorothy...that is until you get close enough to actually talk to him. The true Lan is a very crude, violent, arrogant, and aggressive person. Having an attitude reminiscent of a teenage delinquent, Lan tends to come off as very anti-Bushido, if not downright evil. This problematic behavior goes all the way back to his early childhood days. Uncomfortably brutal at times, Lan smiles eerily when finding himself in the middle of a battle. His personality reflects his fighting style when alone or with Dorothy: mercilessly assaulting the opponent and having no regard for anything other than the enemy around him. Despite this, he's quite talented in fighting, using his katana in various ways besides attacking. He's also very intelligent, being capable of strategic planning, to the point that some even consider him a prodigy. While not the most mentally stable fighter, despite having the image of one, he knows who his enemies and allies are. Cold to his allies, but colder to his enemies. He's also very rude and foul-mouthed, which makes him hard to approach; with the help of Dorothy, his aggressive outbursts become less aggressive. With that in mind, Lan knows when to be mature, although is still quite aloof and unsociable, showing disinterest in hanging out with his fellow allies. Due to the constant praise of his abilities, Lan has a superiority complex and wants to be first and the best at everything. He doesn't like when people look down on him, as if they were superior; thus, it diminishes his already short fuse. Because of his complex, he's implied to be anti-social; he seems not to care for much people aside from Dorothy. Lan is also immensely prideful, as he hates the idea of others either helping him or him having to rely on others to assist him in battle. Because of his pride, Lan refuses to work together with others (aside from Dorothy of course) claiming he can do whatever he's assigned on his own. However, he will repay those who help him. [/color][/indent] [sub][color=lightsteelblue]☯[/color] B A C K G R O U N D[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray]Explanation of character's history and past events leading up to where they are today. [/color][/indent] [color=lightpink][h3]M A M O D O [/h3] [/color] [sub][color=lightpink]✿[/color] T Y P E[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray]What type of Mamodo is it? There is a list of examples above[/color][/indent] [sub][color=lightpink]✿[/color] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray][hider=Dorothy][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/stella-glow/images/8/8b/Dorothy.png/revision/latest?cb=20160110025541[/img][/hider]Dorothy, much like her partner, is a small girl standing around three feet tall. With fair skin mostly covered up by either her clothing or bandages, Dorothy has short straight purple hair styled to have side bangs, and large ruby red eyes that are covered by bandages, indicating that she is blind.[/color][/indent] [sub][color=lightpink]✿[/color] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray]Describe the personality of your Mamodo.[/color][/indent] [sub][color=lightpink]✿[/color] B A C K G R O U N D[/sub][hr][indent][color=gray]The background of your Mamodo and their life in the Mamodo world and their participation in the war to become the new ruler of their world.[/color][/indent] [sub][color=lightpink]✿[/color] S P E L L S[/sub][hr][color=gray][indent] Describe the spells that your Mamodo CURRENTLY is able to cast by citation of their human controller. Please leave this to a maximum of two spells and add to it as you learn more throughout the roleplay.[/indent][/color] [/hider] [/quote] Looks really good so far!