Eli awoke, choking back the lingering taste of vomit in his mouth, the pit of his stomach aching in sudden violent protest of hunger. He wasn't sure how long he was out for, which was somewhat worrying all things considered. He drags his head up, glancing over at the nightstand and reading the digital clock, the bright red digits scorching his retinas for a moment before he adjusted. 6:33. Had he still been at home, he would have been prepared himself for a long lecture from his father about the dangers of idleness and sleeping in. Thankfully, for now, he was spared the lecture and there were more pressing matter. He hops quickly into the shower, letting the cold water shake the last rogue elements of sleep from his system. He examined the toothbrush with mild confusion. It was...mechanical. Decidedly so. Though he questioned why. It was a brush. Adding a motor to it seemed to serve no purpose. Regardless, he brushes his teeth quickly (only stopping to experimentally press the button, only to be met with violent shuddering from the thing) and dresses before leaving. He kitchen was barren for the moment, and he wasn't too surprised. If the others routines were anything like his own they probably already ate, though that was purely speculation on his part. He raids the cabinets, eventually happening on a box of....pastries he guessed? They were yellow sponge cake looking things with cream through the center. He wonders for a moment if they would be considered breakfast foods before his stomach growls his concerns away. He pops open the box, gingerly taking one before replacing the box, the plastic wrapping of the cakes crinkling at his touch. He sits down, regarding the plastic wrapped...food for a moment before daintily opening it. It was soft, but felt dense in his hand as he leaned forward, taking a hesitant bite. [color=#00bb12]“Oh Jes..heavens...”[/color] He begins, barely catching the swear. [color=#00bb12]“That....is the single most vile thing I've ever eaten.”[/color] He concludes, continuing to eat the offending baked good at his stomachs demand. It was sweet beyond words, and his teeth ached as he bit into it, the cream not helping at all. The cake part was dense and tasteless, like someone had made an effort to shove as much into the small shell it was meant to be as possible as an act of pure spite against the eater. As he finished, he silently hoped there was a special place in hell for whatever succubus concocted these....Twinkies.