[center][h2]Clara Witherfield[/h2][/center] [hr] "Japan?" Clara responded to the old man's exclamation with a confused look on her face. She tried to remember where she had heard that name before. "Oh... that island in the Far East?" she replied. "I am quite unfamiliar with it as I lived in London all my life." Once again, she didn't mention that she now lived in the elven world. If he was right, then that explained the unfamiliar building in front of her. It wouldn't be odd for a distant country to have different architecture than her home. The elven world had a wildly different style to their buildings after all. She then received the reply to her introduction from Dezuel. "Very well then, Sir Dezuel," she replied back, blushing slightly from his praise. She still felt it wasn't proper to call him with just his name. He looked like an important soldier of some kind and he was older than her too. He then accused her of being a mage. She was taken aback from this. How could she have know? Should she just go admit who she really was? Or should she still pretend to be just an ordinary orphan girl from London? In the end, she decided to take the middle way. "Y-yes, I am a mage," she replied. "I am one of the Awakened Ones when that comet passed over Earth. I suppose looking it from that angle, I am one of the chosen ones." "And I never heard about your organization, Sir Dezuel. I know some organizations that was pro or against Awakened Ones, but none of them was named ELF." Her conversation was then cut short with the other old man yelling loudly towards the old man that came with them. She quickly approached the two to try to calm down the situation. "P-please do not be angry," she pleaded to the old man. "We're not illegals. We're simply lost, that's all. You might not believe this but we just appeared at this place a while ago. If you can grant us bearings, then we will be on our way." [@Dezuel]