[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wMgMxfQ.png[/img][/center] Damarquis swam around the pool as he listened to everyone. There were conversations between the others, but one thing caught his ear and that was Brandon's words about swimming trunks after he had jumped into the pool. Granted Damar would be revealing a lot once he got out of the pool, he didn't mind at all. He was comfortable in his own skin and he didn't have anything to hide, in fact, he had gotten tired of trying to hide it in the first place. This must've been Brandon's way of making him blush. Damar gave him a sly look and smirked. "[color=a36209]Nah Brandon I'm good[/color]," Damar admitted as he lifted himself onto the side of the pool and crossed his legs silently. He noticed the arrival of Anna and instantly smiled. He also noticed Lance resting on a chair and sighed. If they were going to have fun this summer, he had to stop letting his emotions rest on his sleeves. Standing up, and not caring who saw his bulge, he moved over to Lance and yanked the headphones out of his ear. "[color=a36209]Are you going to join us or be a stick in the mud?[/color]" Damar said nearly straddling Lance looking down at him. He was so happy that Rose and Loki, and Anna and Lucille had finally made it. Now there was a chance of real entertainment. Loki was one of his favorites aside from Amelia and he hoped that they got a chance to chat it up and shop a little.