[@Wick][h1][color=royalblue][center][img]http://t02.deviantart.net/22Rgt0gblSi_IukwT9Ahe-p82zg=/fit-in/700x350/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre15/600e/th/pre/i/2014/201/a/2/giacomo_crescentii_by_kazuyalord-d7rhlf9.jpg[/img] Elias[/center][/color][/h1][hr] Elias raised an eyebrow at the amount of undress Jean was displaying before flicking his eyes up to meet hers, silently smiling in a polite fashion before following her through the city streets. [i][color=royalblue]If this is the way they dress, I think I'll like this city.[/color][/i] Elias chuckled to himself. Taric would have probably made a fool of himself by staring if he were there. While Elias was certainly the more easy of the two, Taric was far more easily distracted than his partner. Elias looked around at the exciting sights and sounds of the city, from religious folk screaming from street corners to vendors insisting they had the finest wares, the entire place was crackling with energy. Jean led the pair through what seemed to be part of the market district before motioning towards a compact carriage, fit to easily maneuver the crowded streets. Elias helped the two woman into the cab, unable to hide a slight grimace as Jean very obviously felt Elias arm up and down as she slid into the cabin of the vehicle. While Elias was certainly loose, he preferred woman who weren't old enough to be his mother. Once the three were in the cabin, an awkward silence filled the area as the trio waited for their trip to end. Elias coughed and turned to face out the window, nudging Alexis' foot with his own as a hint for her to distract Jean from slyly staring at him.