[h1]Shau[/h1] Shau was tidying up her small apartment for when her monster came in. It had to be neat and beautiful. She arranged the cosy blankets on the worn out couch. The bright pillows were arranged just so and the kitchen tables were spotless. She went to the empty guest bedroom and made sure that the bed sheets looked clean and that the basket of complimentary toiletries she had provided was still on the table. The bedroom was a small affair. A tiny twin bed pushed up against a window looking out onto the small street beside the building along with a battered desk in the corner and a wardrobe with clear glass in the front (the only thing that kept the room from looking too bad) The floors were carpet and there were plenty of lights throughout the room that could be turned on and off. The bright yellow walls also managed to make the room look more welcoming and homely. She checked on the toilet, a small tiled room with just the smallest of windows at the top. [i]I wonder is he/she will be afraid of the light[/i] Shau thought to herself. The next few hours were spent switching from vacuuming the floors to writing the papers that her teacher had requested. She was eagerly awaiting her new best friend.