[center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/WoXBedxWQuat2/giphy.gif[/img][h2][color=steelblue]Leo[/color][/h2][/center] [center][color=steelblue]Location:[/color] [i]Sky Lakes Medical Center[/i][hr]Interacting with: Magnus [@BlackPanther], Seraphina [@Vicier][/center][hr][hr] Leo sighed gently and leaned against the back of his chair, looking Magnus up and down. The Druid's entire body was coiled up, ready to spring at any moment. Magnus' fingers dug into his palm around the wheel, further revealing his anxiety. His attempt to close the conversation was pretty clear that he didn't want to talk about it, but he clearly needed encouragement. Additionally, this was Leo's first opportunity to see past the dickish exterior shell he constantly maintained, and he wasn't gonna let it slip by. [color=steelblue]"Hey."[/color] The Warlock gently rested his hand on the other man's wrist, coaxing him to meet his own eyes. [color=steelblue]"We're gonna protect them. The pack is around fifteen strong, and they've not only got Werewolves, but other kinds of supernaturals, a Druid, a Coven, and an Angel to protect them. Nothing short of an army of Demons is gonna be able to get past our defenses."[/color] A flash of movement in the corner of the Warlock's eye drew his attention, revealing the presence of the female Angel in the doorway. She quickly turned and returned to the safety of the building, however the door remained open. Leo frowned, but he quickly returned his gaze to Magnus' dark eyes. [color=steelblue]"We can stop by their houses and set up wards tomorrow, if you want."[/color] Leo smiled warmly and gently squeezed the Druid's wrist with his own hand. Magnus had always seemed slightly paralyzed by Leo's previous attempts to initiate physical contact, and he hoped his touch was more comforting than alarming. The stiffness in Magnus' entire body when Leo had healed his eye the night before flashed through his mind, bringing a slight smirk to his features as he remembered just how uncomfortable the immortal had been. It was always nice to throw Magnus off balance every now and again. But right now he needed stability.