(Apologies, on mobile and unable to type 100% properly.) Nexus surveyed through blast shielding, the Dimensional Gate. It was a spatial anomaly which acted in similar fashion to a black hole without the intense density. The machine had taken to building a station around the anomaly in fact. Creating droids and robot frames under its own processors to conduct operations and experiments with the Gate. So far it had only lost thirteen frames. According to extensive experimentation, anything attached to the item that came into contact with The Gate, was sucked in as well. Where the frames or items went, was unknown as all contact was simply lost. The hole was man sized and tear shaped. Wide base and tapered tip that wavered in uncertainty. It was like staring into the sun. Awe inspiring, but absolutely disturbing and harmful to face longingly into. The machine made a curious noise, plates on its head stuck outwards in surprise as the frame was roughly pulled into the Gate. Everything went swimmingly, information about the Gate's density and reaction to various materials. So far everything was "DISPLACED" so far. An explosion from the Development Wing made the machine snap its head backwards. ..If the Development Wing hand a cataclysmic explosion... In the blast, sixty machine frames went offline. The blast must have been wing-wide. Nexus began running scenarios instantly. The escape pods were hundreds of meters away. It had a few [i]seconds[/i] until the entire station vaporized itself when the ionic stabilizer core lost coolant. There was only one possibility which very well could result in a faster deconstruction. The Gate. With what remained of the machine frames, an order to separate the Development Wing was issued and completed by two simple droids stationed near the separating airlocks. Two fists simultaneously breached the glass ahead. Vaulting through the newly created hole, the machine broke into a dead run forwards, disabling the Anti-grav within The Gate chamber remotely. Upon entering, it held onto the floor of the station, haphazardly plunging a hand into The Gate as it heard the space-distorting warble of the stabilizer core going into meltdown. . . . An explosive expansion, space station warping in and taking its place, contents shifted heavily but all remaining. The Gate had disappeared and the station appeared to have gone through a blender. Wires sat hanging from the ceiling. Panels were simply missing. Every electronic system had appeared to have short circuited, except Nexus who appeared rather fine. Peering around the the eerie darkness, it decided that the first step was to activate the distress beacon and set up the auxiliary power. It took an hour. The Distress beacon had quite a far broadcast, running off a battery which would charge off the auxiliary generator. While it waited for either pirate or rescuer; it would make moves to repair a small research corvette and repair a handful of machine frames to assist. _______________________________________________ The space station is hardly bigger than a cruiser. It had four, but now has three wings. Research, Analysis and Implementation. These wings were rather superfluous and mostly if not entirely to science and logging. Only a few trinkets and pieces of equipment remained, but they were most likely broken. The station would appear to be heavily weathered and derelict. Almost nothing was left undented or undamaged. It appeared to be slowly rotating and moving towards an obscure direction. Only creeping along. But enough to be noticeable in the stillness of space.