Cesar's sudden agreement with him surprised Theodore, but the bard's laughter and further arguments towards not keeping them further hinted that the original suggestion might have, at least partially, been made in jest just as well. While some of the party still seemed to be considering doing something with these gems, Katia solved the dilemma by giving in to the sensible suggestions of throwing them away. She did express her disdain regarding said move, but at least she had done so. "You say that we are not in a hurry, but that is a notion I have to disagree with Katia", Theodore voiced his opinion. "As far as I know, the world that was ours is no more. It has fallen to darkness, and that happened when the shadows were little. Here, they seem much more powerful and only time will tell how powerful they will become. In my honest opinion, we are still at great risk and should not delay. We are the champions of light from our realm and if we could not save it... we can only hope we can help another." Granted, the message was grim, but the zealot could not set aside his conviction. But in the end, resting sounded perfectly reasonable right about now. There was no way of knowing what was out there in the dark and if Birbin who had more experience in this realm than the group combined (and quite possibly multiplied by two) was to be trusted going out there would be a bad idea nonetheless. While the world could always use some more heroes, the heroes could not go on forever. "But about resting, I concur", he added, to make sure his earlier statement could not be misinterpreted as an idea to head outside [i]immediately[/i]. It pained him slightly to see Thea giving much more attention to the tabaxi monk than him, but there was certain reason in that too... Katia had been denied her fun, so the free spirited monk might have needed some consolation. Not that it helped his feeling any. Birbin also bringing the healing potions to her further drove forward Kat being the centre of attention. Wanting a piece of the spotlight, Theodore raised his hand and opened his mouth, but reversed that action once he realised he didn't really know what to say. He crossed his arms, choosing to wait and see where this would go. [@The Harbinger of Ferocity]