[@kingkonrad] [hider=Spoilers, Don't read this unless you have seen the 3rd episode silly gooses] Damn, House Tyrell got wrecked. Sorry man, that was a rough downfall to the main bloodline. All your gold stolen to boot as well. The one thing I found interesting though, was how even at her end, Lady O was a boss. She straight up told Jamie that she killed that turd Joffrey. Odd question as well, Lady O mentioned that combat was never the main forte (excluding a Loras). Is the Tyrell army, at least those under the direct control of Tyrell armies, a sort of paper tiger? Lord Tarly is a renowned general, and I would assume his levies are well trained to suit his personality, but what about the Tyrell levies, are they more so men in shiny armor, or were the Lannister forces just super totes strong because of Tywin? [/hider] Hope you are well, and I was curious [@DrunkasaurusRex][@MrDidact][@bloonewb] if Ser Aerion could ask the big boss to yield. You know, rather than spill blood, ask her to surrender, that she would be treated with honor and dignity, and face a trial or the law, rather than dying in some backwater island building. If thats ok of course. For me to ask it at least.