[center][hider=Lawrence Carlyle][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/g8QN25/558745994dba3b9ce33b5cfa6de64521_character_ideas_character_inspiration.jpg[/img][/center][/hider][/center] [h2][center][color=FFDAB9][b]Wren[/b][/color][/center][/h2] [h3][center][color=FFE4E1][i]Morning Woes[/i][/color][/center][/h3] Candied sounds of birdsong bled into the soft droning of the Condor as Lawrence woke from the spell of sleep and dreams, greeted only by the cool darkness of his room. An agitated groan escaped Wren, and he lazily hit a small button connected to his nightstand with the back of his hand. Pale light bathed his bedroom, sending needles into Lawrence’s eyes. He sat up on his bed, feet on the floor. His black t-shirt and grey sweats knotted and twisted around his willowy frame—and as Wren straightened out his clothes, he noticed blotches of sweat on his chest and under his arms. He felt himself sigh. Nightmares were not a thing Wren recalled having as a teenager, but since his employment on the Condor nearly three years ago, they waxed and waned like moons. He had spoken to a psychologist about these nightmares on occasion—never with the ship's own medical crew; he would not risk the embarrassment—but their cajoling and encouraging suggestions never placated Wren's bad dreams. Even a change in diet failed him. Wren guided himself to his socked feet, stretched, and shuffled sleepily out of his room, the vestiges of his nightmare still darting around his conscience. The intercom rang down the sterile, bleached hallway almost merrily, it seemed to Lawrence. Di Liberto's familiar voice reporting all to the meeting room. Arms wrapped around his chest to ward off the biting cold of the ship, Wren moved about the circuitous corridors unhurriedly. The door to the meeting room opened with a soft sigh of air, and Wren stepped in. Wren sat in the nearest chair, arms still crossed over his chest and bruised crescents under his chestnut eyes. His gaze drifted between the robot Nexus, Aiden, and Masha, before settling on Marino. [b]"Good morning you four,"[/b] Wren chirped with a thin smile, tiredness lacing his voice.