[hider=SpringPuppy] Behind the Avatar Name: Andrew Ferguson Age: 28 Gender: Male Bio: Gaming has been Andrews main hobby since he was a young boy, as a child he would spend most of his free time sinking hours into different games of all kinds. Due to this he was a rather shy boy in his school years who kept to his small group of close friends, he did sometimes wish he was popular but he did not really have much interest in partying or going out, he was always happier when he was reading or hanging out with his friends. Andrew was more familiar with first person shooters and fighting games so it was strange for him to have his interest peaked by an MMO when YGGDRASIL was announced, he picked up the game to take a look at it near its launch without knowing how much that it would impact his life. Andrew was almost immediately addicted to the game and would play it whenever he had the opportunity. He would also spend as much money as he could on in game items and gachas, his allowance as almost always quickly sunk into YGGDRASIL. As he grew older and eventually graduated from college he had less free time to play as he was forced to become more focused on his new day job. However he would still dedicate the time he could to playing the game and an upside of now having a job is that he was able to spend more money in the game. Although enjoying the PVE elements of the game his main focus was by far the PVP, he loved fighting with his guild and some of his happiest moments were after a well fought battle. Some might call that sad but Andrew was rather content with it. The Avatar Name: SpringPuppy (Spring for short.) Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/7/76/Diatrecon_Aster_Logche.png/revision/latest?cb=20150120205109[/img] [/hider] Race: Human, Human Gender: Male Character Level: 100 Alignment: 300 Racial Class: N/A Classes: -Genius Spearman (lvl 5) - Ki Master (Physical) (Lvl 15) - Ki Master (Spiritual) (lvl 10) - Monk (lvl 10) - Martial Lord (lvl 10) - Other (lvl 50) Fighting Style: Spring almost entirely focused his character on close quarters PVP and so his character focus on dealing a large amount of physical damage to his opponents. His cursed spear allowed him to wear down his opponent while his impressive physical stats allow him to overwhelm his opponents. Springs combat style can be adapted to both one-on-one encounters and group combat. Strengths: - Impressive physical stats. - Experienced in PVP. Weaknesses: - Lacking in spells and magic. - Vulnerable to ranged attacks. Equipment: - Child of Light: A Divine class item and Springs personal weapon. It is a spear with a range of 2-4 meters and is embedded with a curse that causes wounds created by the spear to heal much slower than what is usual (magic does not work and wounds will not heal if target is under a certain level.) and weaken the victim. This spear can also be used as a throwing weapon and returns to Spring after its use. - Armour of the Honourable Spearman: A set of relatively simple but impressive looking light armour, it gives a speed and agility boost to its owner. Abilities: - Genius Spearman: The accuracy and precision of Springs attacks are enhanced when wielding his spear. - Wrath of the Hound: When fighting unarmed this ability allows Spring to increase his strength and endurance. How a normal human would view me: A confident and charismatic young man, people would not think he was strong unless they bore witness to him in battle. [/hider]