The crew of the Odyssey had left the briefing with DS9's senior staff with their assignments. Teal'c and Col. Mitchell would be briefing the station's security personnel on the priors and former Ori armies. Daniel and Vala would be studying this universe, its races and the groups that Adria might choose to use in her conquest. Serin and Carter were familiarizing themselves with the technology of this universe, and briefing Dax and O'Brian about their technology. In fact, as the only two joined beings on the station, Dax and Serin seemed to be getting along very well. They had already begun discussing their distinct version of joining by the time the two crews met on the Odyssey a day later to discuss their findings. "The people of this universe are concerned about the Prior's abilities," said Mitchell to the other Odyssey crew. "I told them about the anti-prior devices and they want enough to cover the promenade and all high-security areas. I told them we wouldn't have enough, though." "I believe I can help with that." Serin said to Mitchell. "They have a device called a replicator that can assemble most chemicals and devices on the molecular level. I am looking into getting one or two of them to install on the Odyssey. We should be able to make more of the anti-prior devices once the replicators are installed." "That will help for a while," said Odo, "but from what I hear they'll adapt after the first assault. We'll need to know how they'll attack before they do if we're going to be ready." Vala spoke up. "There are too many possibilities. I understand why Adria chose the Bajorans as her first set of converts. They're an extremely spiritual but gullible group of people." "Gullible?" said Kira. "Your people accepted the first government that presented itself and a religious leader, despite all of the scandals around both of them. You even personally follow the Kai that attempted to have your boyfriend assassinated." "That is beside the point. I.." "Ladies." said Dax, "Now isn't the time to argue over this." She looked at Vala. "You were telling us about our possible enemies." "Yes, well any group that is totally devoted to their leaders could be tricked into joining her. The Cardassians, The Jem Hadar, maybe even the Borg. And each one will need a different strategy." "In that case," said Worf, "I'll work with you to develop a strategy for each of them." After exchanging the information they had found, they returned to their efforts.