I'll do that in the future. Cheers! Heheh the music felt very ff to me too so I picked it. I can't remember where it was from but it has been in my ipod for many years now, it's just labeled "Nakano" which is a prefecture of japan but ...I tried tracing it to several games but found nothing. Oh well, least it suits things here. [@Prisk] Your character is farmiliar with night owls, you say? Well then. Montero's a hoot! Those dark circles ain't for show. But ...he's the sad kind of owl who eats at the empty tables by his lonesome so, givin your char's persona, they will be taking sips of foreveralone tea at far corners of the cafeteria - look up and accidently see each other every few seconds thinking "Why is this guy staring at me? >:(". Maybe. Btw. It's a bit stressful to play a persona that is so far off from the author's actual personanility.[@Panko]