Apocalypse Now. Vander never would have imagined joining a guild like this. He never really imagined YGGDRASIL being shut down. He enjoyed being a member of the Roleplaying PvP guild The Last Rites. He had been a sub-leader in the guild being a master of tactics. They disbanded against The Watcher's wishes after the server shut down was announced. PvP queue became impossibly long making his desire to mindlessly fight in the arena until the shutdown happened just a dream. Now he sat and observed his new guild mates chat as the clock ticked down to zero. Fifteen minutes felt agonizing. He recognized several players as fellow PvPers and Roleplayers. He smiled and nodded silently at each one of them. [b]"Anyone have any good arena battles before the queue times made it impossible to participate?"[/b] He asked the crowd in general. There was a lot of chatter going on around him, so he did not expect a response. Even so, he was genuinely curious. [b]"I missed my chance earlier."[/b] A bittersweet feeling had begun to well up inside of Vander as he remembered the friends he made and the challenges he overcame since YGGDRASIL launched. He took a drink from the mug he had before him. [b]"I hope to play with you all in another world someday."[/b] He had no idea which game he would move onto after this one. YGGDRASIL had been exclusively the game he played all these years and now it was not going to be an option anymore. The thought of the change scared him. He truly wished he could stay here forever as Vander The Watcher instead of Warrick Thane.