Yerbol sat back in the seat adjacent to his partner, occasionally nodding or giving some verbal form of affirmation that he was giving attention to her thoughts. Taral snorted a few times to indicate that the fierce hound from the arid stands of Korriban wanted a scratch behind the ear, which punctuated the grave tone of Aria's thoughts. When she was paused to recollect her thoughts, Yerbol took the opportunity to chime in himself on the issues she brought up: "There seems to be a contingent of people who want to create some kind of security in the face of chaos. Yes, we have done a lot, but who's to say that Qyaari would implode?" He quickly followed that up to clarify: "Not to say that the order WILL, just that...well, I don't think I need to remind you of what happened to Tython and Korriban. We weren't the only ones who felt the seismic chasm in the Force when both Jedi and Sith went by the wayside." It felt like shards of those memories were still embedded in his heart. "It was easier for Force users who were isolated and cut off from the chaos to form together. Sith and Jedi broke down walls out of necessity and forged bonds while we were trying to stop Bracknell and Illesia." He chuckled, giving his partner a wan gaze. "Apparently we weren't the only ones to form tight relationships with people we wouldn't normally associate with before all this." The smile that had formed from the sentence disappeared suddenly, mulling some of the other ideas brought up. "Manus seemed to take advantage of the chaos too well, almost. You're right in the sense that parents would be mollified at the notion of their children being thrown at us as cannon fodder, but Voldon said it himself: Manus was a tactician. He probably sees the kids as necessary pawns to get to where he needs to go. Remember how he described users of the Force? As weapons. Manus doesn't see the humanity in those kids nor(more than likely) the network he created. Which, by the way, separates us from them VERY distinctly. I know that having to slice through the assassins on Coruscant and Kashyyk wasn't exactly what we would've liked, but we feel BAD about it. We value the connection that all life has to the Force." His voice grew slightly deeper and raspier to mimic a certain Sith master: "Balance requires the acknowledgment that regardless of status, action or creed, all life has a connection to the Force. Remember that every time you are tempted to draw your saber in haste." The old Master's teachings had grown on him the past few months in conjunction with Yerbol's increased instructional duties, the Champion meditating far more on what Renso shared with them in those dank tombs more than half a year ago. A momentary silence descended on the cabin before Yerbol spoke again: "What befuddles me more than anything is what Renso's motives ARE. I mean, it can't be destabilization of the galaxy again, right?" A snort of a laugh as he added: "We've dealt with TWO maniacs bent on creating chaos in the galaxy. I'd like to have Manus' desires be a bit more stereotypical, you know? Domination of the galaxy from an evil throne somewhere, to rob all the banks in the galaxy, to regrow the hair on his head by stealing all the hair off of every Wookie alive, just something simple for once!" The nav computer didn't seem to appreciate the jest, showing her indignation by chirping loudly to indicate that they were a quarter of the way to Tattoine. "Sacrificing so many people, breaking out Jean Soto, diverting resources from his own network...he's got something planned a lot more diabolical than Wookie stealing. Not to say that isn't evil in and of itself." He slunk down in his chair a bit, eyes resting. "And don't you think Voldon is hiding something from us? No, correction, don't you want to know what he IS hiding from us? Because he obviously knows more than he's letting on and so does Malu...probably the rest of the council." He let out a gruff sigh as he rested his feet on Taral's back, who had resorted to falling asleep.