[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IdCzS8K.png[/img] [h3][color=00a651]Armory Class Chatting up the Crew[/color][/h3][/center] Everything seemed to be going well. Gren managed to deflect potential accusations about his density away and refocused on Oswald's equipment. Gren was slightly amused that Oswald actually thought Gren was going to put money for his shield generator: Gren could laid labor easily, but money is harder to part. That being said apparently Oswald had the resources to purchase what he needed, so Gren didn't bother to bring it up. Putting everything together, Gren was going to divide the workload into the three (Possibly four if Emerald wanted to help) workloads. He organized the papers and handed them to the others. [color=00a651]"Right then, here's what I suggest as we tackle this. The first two things we're going to focus on is the pistol and sword. The Shield we can't really do anything about until the parts arrive, so all we can do is brainstorm. Oswald, you and me ought to work on your sword. Again, I can't really do much until I get a good look at your blade and I'm sure you're more familiar with it than I am. Anna, I think you should work on Oswald's new pistol. It shouldn't be too hard, but let's not get too many people involved in the design, yeah? I trust that you know what you're doing."[/color] Gren then looked at Emerald. She knew how to take care of her own equipment and she already had plans for some high tech goggles. It wouldn't really be fair for them to force Emerald to put her designs aside just for Oswald. Gren debated how he could help when he had an idea. [color=00a651]"Googles huh? Hmm... My helmet has a Heads-up Display built into it. If you could wait for me to go get it, feel free to cannibalize parts from it. I got spares."[/color] Gren's helmet, and subsequent armor, was with his weapon in his locker. It'll just be a short walk for him to go fetch it for Emerald to toy with. He gave the cat faunus a wry smile and scratched his head. [color=00a651]"... Sorry I can't help you much more than that, Emerald. I'll be busy giving Oswald a hand. Oh and Anna,"[/color] Gren turned to face the now blonde huntress. [color=00a651]"We'll need to discuss your shield later. Unlike Oswald's shield, if you want longevity over strength we'll need to find a more efficient generator for it. Anaerobic and Aerobic, you know, they have different builds even if they look similar. With that in mind you and I will need to look into different forms of protection. Also, I don't think I've ever seen your weapon before. I'd really like to take a peek at it, get a feel for it, you know?"[/color] And of course there was Gren's own things he wanted to do. He doubts this project will be something that can be done just in class, less so if Gren wanted to do his own stuff too. Class hasn't started yet, but a few other students (Well just one) seemed to already be working on projects. Leaning his head into his hands Gren debated leaving for a bit to gather materials and decided to do it; he needed to let the others mull on his decisions anyways. [color=00a651]"Well... You guys think about it. I'm going to get the stuff we may need. If you'll excuse me."[/color] Gren excused himself from the desk and went to his equipment locker to fetch his helmet and some other gear he thought might be important. He even hauled his two giant Gatling guns, his God Eater and Annabeth, though that was mostly for himself. He needed to do some conversion from the God Eater to Annabeth that he's been putting off for too long. [@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN][@FlitterFaux][@Abillioncats]